One Act of Kindess at a time

Together we can change lives

Buy Sleeptone, Fight Homelessness.

We are proud to introduce One for One. It's simple. For every Sleeptone product sold, we donate a Sleeptone Basics product to charity. So when you purchase a new pillow, mattress, sheet set, comforter (and more), someone in need receives an essential version of an often overlooked basic necessity.

One for One

We donate. They distribute.

Your purchase starts a chain reaction of giving that gets essential products into the hands of those who need them.

Proudly a Benefit Corporation

What is a Benefit Corporation?

Benefit Corporations are businesses that balance profit and purpose.


sheets, mattress, and blankets donated

You can donate

Want to get more directly involved?

You can donate directly to our our 5013c and we will match your donation One for One. Dollar for Dollar. See terms and conditions.